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January 23, 2025 6:00PM
Mapping Histories in Miniature: The Life and Work of John Smart
Thursday, Jan. 23 | 6–7 pm
Public $10 | Members $8 | Students: $5
Location: Atkins Auditorium
How can a pocket-sized portrait help us trace personal, political, and social histories? European Arts curatorial staff Aimee Marcereau DeGalan, Blythe Sobol, and Maggie Keenan take us inside the lockets, behind the tiny frames, and through their discoveries about renowned portrait miniaturist John Smart and his larger-than-life subjects. From fashion and style to medical conditions and distinct physical features, each detail in these personal tokens of affection and allegiance offer a window into the stories of those immortalized in miniature. This program is presented in conjunction with the exhibition John Smart: Virtuoso in Miniature and the groundbreaking publication of the museum’s Starr Collection of Portrait Miniatures, 1500-1850.
Member discount: If you are a museum member, you must be logged in to receive your discount.