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November 2, 2023 10:30AM


Annual Joseph S. And Ethel B. Atha Graduate Seminar: Impressionism’s Now-Time


Dr. André Dombrowski

Thursday, November 2 | 10:30 a.m.–12 p.m.

Rockhill Room | Free


How did psychological and physiological perceptions of time relate to the emergence of Impressionism’s quickness and instantaneity? This seminar with André Dombrowski (University of Pennsylvania) will consider Impressionism's complex present tense of painting, with particular focus on Monet's work in relation to the concept of the body's “reaction times” (a mid-1800s invention) and the idea of the "specious present," a term taken from the circle of the early psychologist William James describing the flexible “now time” of the mind.


Open to graduate students and by invitation. Registration requires a promo code. To register, enter your promo code in the box at the top right corner of your screen.


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André Dombrowski is the Frances Shapiro-Weitzenhoffer Associate Professor of 19th Century European Art at the University of Pennsylvania, specializing in the arts and material cultures of France in the late-nineteenth century. His book Cézanne, Murder, and Modern Life (University of California Press, 2013), about the artist’s early work is the winner of the Phillips Book Prize, and he has written essays on Manet, Monet, Degas, Pissarro, and Menzel, among other artists. His new book, Monet’s Minutes: Impressionism and the Industrialization of Time (Yale University Press) will be released this fall.


The annual Atha Graduate Seminar celebrates the life and vision of Joseph S. and Ethel B. Atha.

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